Living Inside Out

Posted by on May 22, 2016 in News | 0 comments

Getting really excited about this concept of living inside out. There is so much power and truth in it, that we’re always and forever okay at our core and it’s really just our thoughts that lead us away from this realisation. This leads to a wonderful remembering of who we are.

This approach stems from Sydney Banks’ Three Principles work which I’ve been reading a lot about recently. The ultimate aim is to ‘gently tap you on the shoulder and remind you of your true nature’. And through this alone, great healing and release can emerge. They see thoughts going through our minds as inevitable, but our point of power is whether we choose to pick up a particular thought, invest in it and therefore grow it. And so by being picky about the thoughts we choose to put energy into we can realise that we are only ever one thought away from feeling better and coming back into line with our true, innate well being once again.

It’s kind of a top down approach, so we’re not grappling with our thoughts or arguing with them, as can be the case with CBT, for example. We just remember the truth. And interestingly Gary Craig who pioneered EFT has now developed Optimal EFT where he talks about a similar top down approach.

His focus now is on “removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presene” (our true nature), and he has actually done away with even tapping on meridian points at all. The newer version now simply offers up seeming problems to a loving presence (the unseen therapist) to deal with and resolve.

It also chimes with Katie Byron’s The Work where she says:

“I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always.”

I’ve also heard Katie say that if a thought feels bad, it is not a reflection of our true nature or the true nature of others. Her enquiry method unpacks the thoughts we have been believing to reveal this to us.

I believe Reiki is also an inside out therapy. The energy that is channeled nourishes and strengthens the true nature of the recipient and allows balance and strengthens the body’s and mind’s innate self-healing and wellness once again (Pamela Miles). Reiki provides a sense of connection and being home again as we realign once again with our true natures. This is by default healing in nature.

The bottom line is that unconditional love is where we come from and who we are, all of us and remembering this in whatever way works best for us, is where the true healing always occurs.

Love to you all.

