How EFT and Hypnotherapy Work Together – Matrix Re-imprinting

Posted by on Oct 1, 2012 in News | 0 comments

‘You have to pull up the weeds and clear the ground before you can plant the pretty flowers.’

This is one way of describing how EFT and hypnotherapy work together. With EFT we focus on tapping down the negatives, soothing the extreme emotions and finding a level of peace, or ‘emotional freedom’.

Often, once the intensity of past events has been reduced, we do naturally come to see things in a different light, from a different perspective and this can lead to natural ‘cognitive shifts’ allowing us think about things in a new way.

It can also, however, be helpful to ask ourselves at this point: having tapped down the negatives, what DO we want in their place? This is where we can begin to point ourselves in directions we want to be heading in and start to refocus our attention on the positives – the pretty flowers.

Hypnotherapy used at this point gently introduces these images to the unconscious mind, priming it so that it can start to gently, in its own way and time, work towards bringing an individual closer to desired outcomes. Then, day by day, we more easily recognise opportunities that lead us towards our goals and find ourselves more naturally inclined to act in pursuit of them.

Another way of combining EFT and hypnotherapy at this point is to view ourselves within the troubling past scenario that is being worked on, and tap on our imagined selves within the scene to further help release intense emotions for that past version of ourselves. Then being guided to a new, empowered outcome introduces a preferable resolution, which can then actually emotionally replace the old memory.

This type of work is known as matrix re-imprinting and is a powerfully effective way to use both therapies to their maximum benefit.