
Posted by on Jun 20, 2014 in News | 0 comments

I recently began reading ‘Ask and it is Given’ by Esther and Jerry Hicks which is one of the big Law of Attraction books, that along with the film ‘ The Secret’, garnered a lot of attention in terms of creating, or manifesting our own reality through the power of our thoughts, or more importantly, the feeling vibrations we send out, which then attract similar vibrations to us.

Not all of the book was for me, but there were some particular points that I really liked.  EFT is based on the clearing of energy blocks, or disruptions, to regain a smooth flow of energy around our bodies, which leaves us healthy emotionally and physically and a very salient point that was made in the book is how there is really only a flow of good, and that ‘evil’ or bad is not something that exists.

Just as there is only a switch to turn on a light, but not a switch to turn on the dark (dark being the absence of light), we can either allow, or impede the flow of this energy into our lives.  When it is allowed to flow in and out freely, we live our lives to the fullest, and are in our essential natures, which are always healthy, abundant and creative and joyful.

Life and our reactions to what happens can mean that we may at times impede or resist this flow, and this is when we suffer, either physically or psychologically.  This is not a reason to blame ourselves, because much of this is done unconsciously.  But the good news is that we have tools to regain flow again at our disposal and allow it to be once again channelled in as unimpeded a way as possible.

The Flow of Life

The Flow of Life

Life events happen, both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ but the more we can allow these events to flow in and out of our our consciousness, like a stream, the healthier we are.  Problems can start when we aren’t able to fully process or accept events and we become stuck and blocked.  If similar events occur repeatedly there can be a build-up and often this is when phobias, anxiety or depression can arise and we may also get physical symptoms.

Many of the techniques we use are solely in service of this function.  EFT is an obvious one, as described above, but Reiki also flows new energy into someone via the practitioner, and very often the result is the person receiving the Reiki feeling reinvigorated and a renewed connection with their essential natures, allowing other things to fall away.

A lot of the Law of Attraction literature centres around how our current thoughts and feelings can create our future.  This can be more fully exploited through the use of hypnotherapy where, in a relaxed and receptive state, we build full and vivid images and feelings of how we do want to be, often after having tapped away at what we don’t want, through EFT (which is often how I work).

However, I believe it can be a little tempting then to obsess about thoughts, or to push ‘favourable’ ones at unnecessary frequency into our consciousness, because as Eckhart Tolle once said, ‘You are never more yourself than when you have no thoughts.’ That is to say, when we are just a pure flowing of consciousness, the awareness behind the thoughts, we feel most free and alert and alive.  This is often where meditation takes us; that deep inner flow of calm and centeredness that flows all the time.

Below the surface of rough seas of thoughts or external events of any kind, is a depth that at its core is always good, always constant and is what connects us all and ultimately means that we are safe, and loved.

May the flow be with you.


I happened upon this TED talk today, which seemed pretty relevant, so I include it here.