EFT and Health

Posted by on Dec 15, 2012 in News | 0 comments

Our bodies are meant to be healthy. That is our default state and all of our cells and organs work tirelessly to try and maintain the natural balance where health is our nature. However, all too easily this balance can be upset and often it’s then that we find ourselves experiencing the effects of illness.

But there is a lot we can do to ourselves to try and achieve balance once more. Sometimes we need medical intervention, but the more we can do ourselves, the more we can curtail the length or severity of illness, or prevent it altogether.

How our energy system affects our health

Our bodies need certain things to be healthy; nutritious food, adequate water, exercise and staying away from toxins, such as smoking or excessive alcohol. There is also however, another way we can influence how well our body works. And that is by working at the level of the subtle energy field that runs through our bodies all the time.

Nerve impulses ensure that our bodies carry on working; our hearts beat, our lungs breathe and messages are passed constantly from one system to another communicating with each other to maintain a healthy balance, such as our temperature and the make-up of our blood.

The unimpeded flow of this energy has long been viewed in traditional Chinese medicine as vital to healthy functioning, and is also the basis of healing therapies such as Reiki and acupuncture. EFT works on the same basis, and can address physical ailments as well, but crucially also looks to right the effects of emotional turmoil and upset that can reek havoc with our bodies.

How often have you found an illness or injury has been preceded by a key emotional event?

The answer for many people is, startlingly often, and this is where EFT is at its most powerful in terms of healing. In EFT terms, an upsetting or traumatic event is felt emotionally and that emotion is felt physically somewhere within the body.

Think of how fear causes a knot in your stomach, anger makes your head feel like it will explode, and sadness hits you in the chest. These physical reactions to emotions driven by our reactions to particular events are an example of what it feels like when our body’s energy system is disrupted; and it’s not nice!

When our energy flows smoothly through our bodies, we feel good; emotionally and physically. When there is a disruption, we don’t. And a disruption from an event that isn’t fully experienced and released at the time can get caught in the body and continue to affect us long after the incident has happened.

Think about something that got you upset recently, that has not been resolved.

The likelihood is, if you relive that memory in your head, you can still feel some of its resonance and effects in your body; it still gets you upset in some way. That means that that disruption, however small, is still present in your body.

On its own it may not have too much effect on you long-term, but a large triggering event, or a series of similar events that are stored up and not dealt with can have serious consequences for our body’s energy systems and this can effect both our emotional, and our physical health.

EFT clears the disruptions and allows life-giving energy to flow freely around the body again

Once an emotional or physical energy disruption is cleared, we feel healthy, aches and pains diminish, we begin to feel well again. We also find ourselves thinking clearly, and not over-reacting to small upsets that may have got to us before. Our emotional and physical health improves.

Returning you to your natural state

There’s no magic involved, and there is no adding onto or building up going on when EFT is used. It is simply like wiping a grimy window – the light was meant to shine through it, and once the debris has been wiped away, it can get on and do the job it was built for all along.

EFT is a simple, easy to learn tool. It puts the power to wipe that window, back in your hands and allow your light to shine as brightly as it can. And either alone or with the guidance of a therapist, you can make great strides towards becoming the you you were designed to be; simply happy and healthy.