A visit from the Animal Healer

Posted by on Jun 25, 2013 in News | 0 comments

I had a wonderful visit from Elizabeth Whiter, the animal healer, for my cat ‘Rice’ last night. I read her book after a friend lent it to me and loved her holistic approach to health for animals, and often also their owners.

She uses a combination of hands on (or sometimes off) healing, much like Reiki, intuition, natural oils and nutrition to help animals emotionally and physically.

My cat had had problems ever since a new cat moved in next door and a very bad fight between the two left him with some neurological problems. He had had a bit of a relapse a few weeks ago, so I decided to call her in to see what she could advise.

As soon as she came in the door, Rice jumped down from his wall outside and came in to meet her. We went through some of his history and she poured out some plant extract for him to have a lick at.

What happened next is what really took me by surprise. She intuitively picked up on his situation with the cat next door, and his battle with ‘Captain’, or ‘Captive’, as she first thought I had pronounced it. And as she rightly pointed out, captive is exactly how he felt in his garden, and initially in his home, as this cat was still continually invading the garden, and the flat until I put in a microchip detector cat flap.

As a result Rice was always on guard, and Elizabeth came up with a number of solutions to try and keep the neighbours cat out and Rice relaxed in his garden and home. She also gave him healing, which initially he was reticent to accept, keen as he was to get back out in the garden and defend his property. But it wasn’t long before he was purring loudly and soaking it all in.

She also picked up that I felt rather ‘captive’ in my home also. I sing; it is one of my great pleasures, but something I have had to completely stop doing in my home out of consideration for the neighbours and fears of noisy retribution if I did.

In her book she writes about how often the animals reflect their owner’s conditions, and I knew this was sometimes the case with Rice and I, but had really not drawn the parallel in this instance until she pointed it out.

So then came some advice for me and healing also through that advice. Shining a light on this problem made me aware of how imprisoned I felt in an important aspect in my life, and the steps I needed to make my home the place I needed it to be to live freely and fully.

And so, both Rice and I came away with plans to take forward: I will be talking with my neighbours this week – on one side, to ask if I can give them the gift of a large catnip plant, to encourage Captain to stay on his side of the fence; and with another neighbour to talk about times when they might be out and undisturbed by a singing voice from downstairs.

So many thanks to Elizabeth for a wonderfully holistic visit. I love meeting and gaining the advice and help of other therapists. I believe we all have gifts to share and that exchanging these keeps their flow going in our own lives.

If you would like to organise a visit with Elizabeth Whiter or read her wonderful book, I cannot recommend her highly enough. Her advice on healing animals and her approach to them in the book is also just as valid for their human counterparts, and I gained a lot in reading it. http://www.healinganimals.org/