A Clearing Exercise

Posted by on Aug 31, 2013 in News | 0 comments

A useful way of coming up with phrases to tap on with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is to write or type out on a sheet of paper exactly how you are feeling about a particular issue you are working on. Let it all out and be completely honest, knowing that you will be the only one to see what is written. Be as frank, as rude and as outrageous as you want to be!

Once you have your sheet (or sheets), pick out particular hot sentences or paragraphs, where you can feel your emotion rise. Once you have these highlighted, go through the EFT tapping process for each one until you feel a decrease in the intensity that comes up for you. Apply this to the whole text, tapping one by one on each sentence or image or feeling that you have written about.

Remember also to tap through any additional memories or events that are triggered as you tap on what is written. This ‘Daisy-chain effect’ is a classic EFT side-effect and very useful in leading you exactly to what you can most powerfully tap on in order to fully clear and resolve an issue.

Once you have got through the entire text, have a read again and check that the felt intensity remains low. If you feel a welling up of emotion at any sentence, tap again to get the energy flowing smoothly around your system until you experience no further uncomfortable peaks of intensity.

Following this process, it is highly likely that you will feel a new degree of clarity and clearing around whatever you chose to work on. And the pride of knowing you achieved this all through your own fair hand!

EFT or tapping can be taught in one 30 minute session. Once you have learnt it, it is an invaluable skill in your self-management tool kit. I still use it every day and the clarity, and freedom from anxiety and freedom from built-up emotion I get from its use, still manages to surprise and delight me, even after many years.